Thursday, August 26, 2010

Softener Design for Co-current and Counter-current Operation

To design a co-current or counter-current plant, determine the resin operating capacity based on a set of operating conditions and then apply correction factors for the specific conditions of the design.

- First, you have to have feed water quality analysis. Determine Hardness Concentration and TDS concentration of feed water in ppm as CaCO3. To determine concentration of TDS in ppm as CaCO3, determine concentration of all ions present in water (cations and anions) usually in ppm, and convert to ppm as CaCO3. To convert ppm to ppm CaCO3:

ppm of ion x (molecular weight of CaCO3/atomic weight of element)x(valence of element/valence of CaCO3)

Say we need to convert 9.2 ppm (mg/L) of Na ion to ppm CaCO3 (mg/L CaCO3),

MW of CaCO3 = 100

MW of Sodium = 23

Valence of Sodium = 1

Valence of CaCO3 = 2

Na (ppm CaCO3) = 9.2 ppm x (100/23)x(1/2) = 20 ppm

- Set desired regenerant level, refer to resin data sheet (60-320 g/L). Determine Base Operating Capacity, CB (Kgr/ft3) based on Figure 1:

Water Conditioning Manual

- Set Service Flowrate (5-10 GPM/ft2) and determine Correction Factor C1 at the set Service Flowrate and TDS concentration of feed water based on Figure 2:

- Calculate Operating Capacity (Kgr/ft3): 0.9(CB x C1), applying the 90% design factor.

- LEAKAGE is calculated as follows:

Determine Base Leakage, Kb @ set regenerant level based on Figure 3:

And Correction factor, K1, for the TDS value based on Figure 4

Hence permanent (kinetic) leakage (as ppm CaCO3)= Kb x K1

- Calculate the capacity required to handle the total exchangeable cation content of the feed for the desired feed rate and cycle time. First, determine the total cation content in the feed water as ppm CaCO3. Subtract from this value the sodium content of the feed as ppm CaCO3. The resulting number is the total exchangeable cation content as ppm CaCO3, divide this by 17.1 to obtain grains/U.S. gallon (grpg).

- Resin Volume = (feed rate, in GPM x Cycle time in minutes x total exchangeable cation, in grpg)/(operating capacity in Kgr/ft3 x 1000)

Calculate the flow rate per unit volume. If this number is outside the range of 1 - 5 gpm/ft3, modify the cycle length and resin volume to bring it within this range.

- Size the bed to this volume, keeping bed depths ≥36 inches (0.91 m). Calculate Softener Tank diameter from set Service Flowrate in #3. Resin Volume must be 60% of tank volume.


  1. my raw water total hardness(mg/l)is 600PPM & Sodium (mg/l)is 1206PPM, iwant to let to know this water can suits for water softener

  2. Hi Hari, sorry for th every delayed reply. If you purpose is just to soften your water, then you can use ion exchange water softener. However this will further increase the sodium content in your water.

  3. i like this article after reading it clearly .it is very informative. water softener
